Is it possible to get a reference to the mediaPlayer instance that the videoView is using, preferably right inside its ctor? If so, how?
Since the videoView doesn't have as much listeners as the mediaPlayer, I would like to have the ability to reach the mediaPlayer for extra control and better events handling.
you can listener from VideoView.
VideoView mVideoView=new VideoView();
mVideoView.setOnPreparedListener( new MediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener() {
public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer pMp) {
//use a global variable to get the object
Alternatively if you are only interested on Media Player Events you can use any of these and these are implemented on VideoView and these are basically MediaPlayer events.
void setOnCompletionListener(MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener l)
void setOnErrorListener(MediaPlayer.OnErrorListener l)
void setOnInfoListener(MediaPlayer.OnInfoListener l)
void setOnPreparedListener(MediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener l)
All these function will give a Media Player instance also.