draw rounded edge arc in android with embossed effect

Shashank picture Shashank · May 28, 2012 · Viewed 10.1k times · Source

I am trying to develop a custom component i.e. arc slider, I am done with the arc and the thumb but not able to figure out how can I draw the rounded edge arc and also the embossed effect in it. at the moment the slider looks something like this

enter image description here

the code for drawing the arc is

private void drawSlider(Canvas canvas) {
    float sweepDegrees = (value * arcWidthInAngle)
            / (maximumValue - minimumValue);

    // the grey empty part of the circle
    drawArc(canvas, startAngle, arcWidthInAngle, mTrackColor);
    // the colored "filled" part of the circle
    drawArc(canvas, startAngle, sweepDegrees, mFillColor);

    // the thumb to drag.       
    int radius = ((diameter/2) - (mArcThickness/2));
    Point thumbPoint = calculatePointOnArc(centerX, centerY, radius, startAngle + sweepDegrees);

    thumbPoint.x = thumbPoint.x - (mThumbDiameter/2);
    thumbPoint.y = thumbPoint.y - (mThumbDiameter/2);

    Bitmap thumbBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(
            mContext.getResources(), R.drawable.circle25);

    thumbBitmap = getResizedBitmap(thumbBitmap, mThumbDiameter, mThumbDiameter);
    canvas.drawBitmap(thumbBitmap, thumbPoint.x, thumbPoint.y,


private void drawArc(Canvas canvas, float startAngle, float sweepDegrees,
        Paint paint) {
    if (sweepDegrees <= 0 || sweepDegrees > arcWidthInAngle) {
    path.arcTo(outerCircle, startAngle, sweepDegrees);
    path.arcTo(innerCircle, startAngle + sweepDegrees, -sweepDegrees);
    // innerCircle.
    canvas.drawPath(path, paint);

I am aiming for the arc something like this

enter image description here


androholic picture androholic · Jul 20, 2015

For the rounded edges, you can use the Paint.setStrokeCap() method. Also, the default paint cap is BUTT. You should use the Paint.Cap.ROUND cap instead.

For example:

Paint mFillColor = new Paint();