Android Jetpack WorkManager is used for scheduling and managing one time and periodic background tasks.
I have a Worker instance that needs to run every 24 hours which is pretty simple considering the PeriodicWorkRequest API. But …
android kotlin android-workmanagerHaving these dependencies: dependencies { implementation "" androidTestImplementation "" } When running this code for the second time: …
java android illegalstateexception androidx android-workmanagerSo from what I read, Dagger doesn't have support for inject in Worker yet. But there are some workarounds as …
android dagger-2 android-workmanagerHow can we pass Serializable object in work manager by setData method of work manager? Is there any way to …
android android-jetpack android-workmanagerI've followed the Android Developer's tutorial on using the Worker Manager structure to run my code in background but anytime …
android androidx android-workmanagerI've had a look at the codelab for WorkManager plus some examples on here, but everything in code I have …
android android-workmanagerI am using PeriodicWorkRequest to perform a task for me every 15 minutes. I would like to check, if this periodic …
android android-jetpack android-workmanagerI want to execute a task, even after the application is killed using work manager. But, the task is not …
android android-workmanager