Top "Android-widget" questions

Either relates to Home Screen widgets, or to general UI elements used on an Android Application screen.

How to change textsize in datepicker?

The default textsize in datepicker is too big for my app. I've seen a way suggested to change it here, …

android android-layout android-widget android-datepicker
Switch button, disable change state onClick

I want to use a switch button but I want to disable the change status on click, let this change …

android android-widget android-switch
Android: How to clear an EditText by cross Button in the right side

I have created an EditText for search, which contains on the left side a search icon and on the right …

android android-widget android-edittext android-drawable
Write Multiline Text on Button in Android

I want to know, How to write Multiline Text on Button <Button android:id="@+id/button1" android:layout_width="…

android xml android-widget android-button
How do I use a service to monitor Orientation change in Android

I'm writing a Widget that will display a countdown timer. I have the widget working the way I want it …

android service android-widget screen-orientation
Setting attribute of child element of included layout

I have a main.xml file describing the layout of my main activity: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <…

android android-layout android-widget
How to force redraw of listview?

This question is a little different from others of a similar title. I am not trying to update the data …

android android-widget android-listview android-adapter
Resize android datepicker control

How can one resize the initial size of android datepicker control to be smaller or bigger. Is there only way …

android android-widget android-controls
PendingIntent to launch and stop a Service

I'm trying to make a simple widget with a button that start a Service with the OnClickPendingIntent(). I can start …

android android-widget android-service android-pendingintent
Force Android widget to update

I respond to a button press on my appwidget in the onreceive method. When the button I pressed, I want …

android android-widget android-appwidget onupdate