Top "Android-toast" questions

A Toast is a momentary popup in Android which provides simple feedback about an operation.

How to display Toast from a Service after main Activity finishes?

UPDATE: I don't agree that this is a duplicate - because I am seeking for a way to exit the …

android service android-service toast android-toast
What is the value of Toast.LENGTH_LONG and Toast.LENGTH_SHORT?

I am printing Toast message in my application to show notification but i want to know value of Toast.LENGTH_…

android time toast short android-toast
Android Toast Messages not working

I'm developing a game via Andengine for Android. I have MainActivity class and GameScene class. I use Toast messages in …

java android andengine android-toast
What does "toast" mean?

Curious what "Toast" means? Saw this and am curious... Why does my text keep highlighting? Similar Posts toast style popup …

android toast android-toast
IllegalStateException: view has already been added to the window manager

I have spent hours trying to fix an app crash and I think it deserves a question: The Exception: java.…

android android-toast
IntentService won't show Toast

This IntentService I created will show Toasts in onStartCommand() and in onDestroy(), but not in onHandleIntent(). Am I missing something …

android intentservice android-toast
Is there code for Snackbars in Android L or are we expected to implement them ourselves?

The Material design website mentions a new Toast-like element called a Snackbar:…

android android-5.0-lollipop android-toast material-design
how to set text new line in Toast at center android

My Toast have 3 lines, I want line 2 and 3 show center of this toast and set duration to 10 seconds. How can …

center duration android-toast
How to only allow certain values as parameter for a method in Java?

I want to write a method that only takes certain values for a parameter, like f.e. in the Toast …

java android methods parameters android-toast
How to create toast from IntentService? It gets stuck on the screen

I'm trying to have my IntentService show a Toast message, but when sending it from the onHandleIntent message, the toast …

android multithreading intentservice android-toast