A theme is a style applied to an entire Android application or Activity, rather than an individual View.
Let's start with an example <attr name="spinnerDropDownItemStyle" format="reference" /> How do I take this apart and understand …
android android-layout android-theme android-stylesMy android application uses the following style: <style name="AppTheme" parent="android:style/Theme.Holo" ></style> …
android android-theme android-menuIn an android project which consists of a library project, I need to have a different theme set in manifest …
android styles android-manifest android-theme android-libraryI m under delphi and i use the android framework to create an edit. When i set the theme to …
android android-edittext textview android-theme android-stylesI want to make an overlay screen which overlay entire screen including the status bar and navigation bar. I spends …
android overlay android-theme android-statusbar android-overlay