Display a sub list of tab labels representing each page in the parent's tab collection.
I'm trying to store the index of the currently selected tab in onSaveInstanceState so I can restore it. However the …
android android-2.2-froyo android-tabhostGreetings, I am trying to get the Click - event when clicking on the currently selected tab of my TabActivity. …
android onclick android-tabhostOK, I must be overlooking something silly because I am unable to get my tabhost to display in my Activity …
android android-tabhostIt appears that TabActivity is now deprecated, we need to use Fragments. I tried using a standard Activity but couldn't …
android android-layout android-tabhost android-tabactivityThe structure of the app is like this: tabHost (in Activity) -> contains -> TabFragment(extend base container …
android android-activity android-fragments android-tabhost onactivityresultMyCode: public class MainActivity extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); final …
android exception android-tabhostI have a problem: Java Code public class VisualizzaListaActivity extends TabActivity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public …
android android-tabhost android-logcatI'm trying to implement this application. At the moment I have designed tabs on it and since I have more …
android android-tabhost tabwidget horizontalscrollview android-tabsI'm trying to use the new TabLayout in the android design library to create app bar with icons. public void …
android-tabhost android-tabs android-design-libraryI am working on an Android App and I have used android FragmentPager tabs example from developer.android.com), this …
android android-fragments android-tabhost android-viewpager