Top "Android-styles" questions

A style is a collection of properties that specify the look and format for a View or window

Trouble aligning TextView and Checkbox in a layout

I have a linear layout that contains a textview and checkbox. <LinearLayout style="@style/linearLayoutStyleNoBgColor" > <TextView android:…

android android-layout android-linearlayout android-styles android-checkbox
meaning of format reference in android attribute

Let's start with an example <attr name="spinnerDropDownItemStyle" format="reference" /> How do I take this apart and understand …

android android-layout android-theme android-styles
Dark actionbar with white dropdown menu from Holo Light

I've got an custom theme with a parent @android:style/Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar I want to change the dropdown …

android android-actionbar android-styles
Setting styles of programmatically added Views

In my code, I add input elements like radioButtons, checkboxes etc to my Layout programmatically. The problem is, that the …

android android-styles programmatically-created
EditText how to activate copy/paste popup without any actionbar?

I m under delphi and i use the android framework to create an edit. When i set the theme to …

android android-edittext textview android-theme android-styles
Different font for Some activities using Calligraphy Library

I am using Calligraphy Library for using custom font in my application. I set a custom font to my whole …

android fonts android-styles