Search all the occurrences of a string in the entire project in Android Studio

kramer65 picture kramer65 · Nov 27, 2013 · Viewed 334.9k times · Source

I've just started using Android Studio (IntelliJ), and I now look for the feature to find the occurrence of a string in any of the files in my project. For example: I want to find all the files that contain the string ".getUuid()"

The search at the top right doesn't give me the correct results, and I don't think I can find this feature under Edit > Find.

Could anybody point me at the right direction?


Seagull picture Seagull · Nov 27, 2013

TLDR: ⌘⇪F on MacOS will open "Find in path" dialog.

First of all, this IDEA has a nice "Find Usages" command. It can be found in the context menu, when the cursor is on some field, method, etc.

It's context-aware, and as far as I know, is the best way to find class, method or field usage.

Alternatively, you can use the

Edit > Find > Find in path…

dialog, which allows you to search the whole workspace.

Also in IDEA 13 there is an awesome "Search Everywhere" option, by default called by double Shift. It allows you to search in project, files, classes, settings, and so on.

Also you can search from Project Structure dialog with "Find in Path…". Just call it by right mouse button on concrete directory and the search will be scoped, only inside that directory and it's sub-directory.
