Use this tag for questions/doubts/problems about downloading the Android SDK tools, platforms, and other components you need to develop your apps, using the Android SDK Manager.
my flutter doctor -v result: [√] Flutter (Channel stable, v1.0.0, on Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.472], locale fa-IR) • Flutter version 1.0.0 at C:\Android\…
android flutter android-sdk-managerIt is said, that it is possible to install NDK with Android SDK manager with the following picture: Unfortunately, I …
android windows android-ndk android-sdk-managerI'm trying to setup IntelliJ IDEA to develop android applications and I faced an issue with android sdk. As far …
android intellij-idea sdk android-sdk-tools android-sdk-managerI've created a basic xamarin.forms project (with PCL code sharing strategy) and I'm getting error for the following two …
c# xamarin visual-studio-2015 xamarin.forms android-sdk-managerI am using Android Studio 2.3 IDE and in SDK Manager I see some APIs are partially installed. How can I …
android android-studio android-sdk-managerSince android 5.0, Google added Google APIs. what is that exactly? And what is the difference between Google APIs intel atom_64 …
android android-sdk-tools android-sdk-managerIs there a way to list the whole name of a package so I can install it. If I do …
android android-sdk-tools android-sdk-managerI have been hunting around for the afternoon to try to see if there is any way to install older …
android adb android-sdk-manager platform-toolsI got this error when I run react-native run-android Logs: Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it …
react-native android-studio react-native-android android-sdk-managerSo I tried to download some packages for the Android SDK. I later decided to delete them but then I …
android android-sdk-manager