Top "Android-sdcard" questions

SD Card is a Secure Digital Card available with Android which acts as the External Storage Directory.

How can I display image in Android Application

I want to display Image in my Android application in specific size. How can I do it? Please guide me? …

java android image android-sdcard
How to create Android directory automatically if it doesn't already exist

I am creating a gallery app using a tutorial but get the following error: abc directory path is not valid! …

android android-sdcard
How to create a video thumbnail from a video file path in Android?

I want to create a thumbnail of a video from the SD card path. How can I do that?

android eclipse android-sdcard video-thumbnails
Android read/write permission of a folder

I am doing a new android app. I want to create a folder in "Android" folder which is available in …

android android-sdcard read-write
Android SD Card Write Permission using SAF (Storage Access Framework)

After a lot of findings about how to write(and rename) a file in SD Card (android 5 and above), I …

android android-5.0-lollipop android-sdcard storage-access-framework documentfile
How do i save an image in external storage gallery in android

I'm trying to write an image file into the public gallery folder in a specific directory but I keep getting …

android android-sdcard android-image
Removable storage (external) sdcard path by manufacturers

I've been Googling around but it is sooooo hard to find what manufacturers/models use which path for sdcard/external …

android path sd-card android-sdcard
Android - FileProvider getUriForFile when the file is on an external SD

Currently, FileProvider getUriForFile method generates IllegalArgumentException when the file is on an external SD When the file is in the …

android android-sdcard android-fileprovider
Android: remove an image from sd card

I need to remove an image from sd card chosen by user. In my Activity, after an user select an …

android android-sdcard
Cannot Write to sdcard in Android emulator

I have added this line in the AndroidManifest.xml: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> However, …

android permissions android-emulator android-sdcard