Top "Android-relativelayout" questions

Android layout that displays child views in relative positions to each other or to the parent view.

Android: Align Parent Bottom + Bottom margin programmatically

How can I programatically add a RelativeLayout that is aligned to the bottom of parent, and add a margin or …

android android-layout android-relativelayout
Repeat Image in with ImageView in RelativeLayout

I want to repeat the image with ImageView with in RelativeLayout. Can it be possible to use the Bitmap xml …

android bitmap android-imageview android-relativelayout
How to get programmatically width and height of Relative - Linear layout in android?

I required runtime dimensions of Relative/Linear Layout. activity_home.xml: <RelativeLayout android:id="@+id/rlParent" android:layout_width="…

android android-linearlayout android-relativelayout
Android: Using alignBaseline for an image following text

Below is a TextView followed by an ImageView contained in RelativeLayout. I'm trying to get the bottom of the image …

android android-layout android-imageview textview android-relativelayout
Difference between Frame and Relative layout?

I'm new to android programming but from how much I have understood of the layouts from the documentation, RelativeLayout is …

android android-layout android-relativelayout android-framelayout
Android RelativeLayout alignCenter from another View

I have a RelativeLayout with two children that are also both RelativeLayouts containing a few buttons and things. These children …

android alignment android-relativelayout
LinearLayout put child at the right side

I m trying to have a textview and a button in linear layout with horizontal orientation. The textview should appear …

android layout android-linearlayout android-relativelayout layout-gravity
How to put RelativeLayout inside CoordinatorLayout

I'm trying to recreate the search box as it is in Airbnb Android app. So I'm using CoorinatorLayout with Toolbar …

android android-coordinatorlayout android-relativelayout android-support-design
match_parent property for children in a RelativeLayout

In short, is it possible to tell a child in a RelativeLayout to always match the height of that RelativeLayout …

android android-layout android-relativelayout