Top "Android-recyclerview" questions

The RecyclerView widget is a more advanced and flexible version of ListView and GridView.

Android RecyclerView Scrolling Performance

I have created RecyclerView example basing on Creating Lists and Cards guide. My adapter have a pattern implementation only for …

java android performance android-recyclerview
Margin/padding in last Child in RecyclerView

I'm trying to add Padding/Margin Bottom in the last row and Padding/Margin Top in the first row. I …

android android-recyclerview padding
Snappy scrolling in RecyclerView

I am trying to use the new RecyclerView class for a scenario where I want the component to snap to …

android android-recyclerview
Cannot call this method while RecyclerView is computing a layout or scrolling when try remove item from recyclerview

I am Trying to remove my item from recyclerview, but i always getting error java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot call this …

android android-recyclerview
Remove RecyclerView scroll effects

I have two RecyclerView inside my NavigationDrawer. Both have the blue scroll effects. How can I remove this effect in …

android scroll effect android-recyclerview
Error inflating class and

I want to use CardView in my project, but when I run my application, I get the following error. I'm …

android eclipse android-5.0-lollipop android-recyclerview android-cardview
"RecyclerView: No Adapter attached; skipping layout" for recyclerview in fragment

I'm getting this error but I don't know what is causing it...perhaps something to do with the fact that …

android android-fragments android-adapter android-recyclerview android-cardview
Set notifyDataSetChanged() on Recyclerview adapter

I'm implementing an endless data loading for a RecyclerView. When software detects that last item is going to be shown, …

android android-recyclerview notifydatasetchanged endlessscroll
Touch feedback with RecyclerView and CardView

I would love to enable touch feedback for my Open-Source library. I've created a RecyclerView and a CardView. The CardView …

android android-recyclerview android-cardview rippledrawable touch-feedback
Recycler view showing single item

I am facing a strange error where recyclerview is showing only a single item. Below is code for my recyclerview …

android android-recyclerview