Top "Android-pendingintent" questions

An Android class that provides a description of an Intent and target action to perform with it

How to launch a new activity using pending intent

Can anyone please say how to launch a new Activity using PendingIntent and also to pass a value using pending …

android android-intent android-pendingintent
How to get and cancel a PendingIntent?

I have an alarmManager which I am using to send notifications to the user at specific times. Since there are …

android android-intent alarmmanager android-pendingintent
Extract notification text from parcelable, contentView or contentIntent

So I got my AccessibilityService working with the following code: @Override public void onAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) { if (event.getEventType() == AccessibilityEvent.…

android notifications android-pendingintent parcelable
Android PendingIntent take you to an already existing activity?

Wasn't really sure how to search for this... I have a the following which is called whenever a job is …

android android-activity notifications android-pendingintent
Android Notification PendingIntent Extras null

I am trying to send information from notification to invoked activity, while from my activity I got null. The code …

android android-intent bundle android-notifications android-pendingintent
Multiple notifications to the same activity

I have an activity that is being opened from the notification bar, but when I do NotificationManager.notify(...), I'm giving …

android android-intent android-pendingintent notificationmanager
Cancelling a PendingIntent

When using a PendingIntent in an AppWidgetProvider, I'm using the following code: views.setOnClickPendingIntent( viewId, PendingIntent.getBroadcast( context, 0, intent, PendingIntent.…

android android-pendingintent
Creating a Notification at a particular time through Alarm Manager

I am trying to create a notification at a particular time. Im creating a broadcast receiver and calling it through …

android broadcastreceiver alarmmanager android-pendingintent android-alarms
Will AlarmManager work if my application is not running?

I have an alarm that works fine if i am interacting(using) with my application but it dose not works …

android calendar alarmmanager android-pendingintent
How to get notified when a notification is notified

I want to read/access/log the notifications fired on notification bar by other applications. I searched Intents and PendingIntents …

android android-intent notifications android-pendingintent accessibilityservice