Top "Android-optionsmenu" questions

Used to display the options of a application on android devices, this can be at the bottom of the application when the menu-button is pressed or in the overflow-menu of the actionbar.

How to change Toolbar navigation icon and options menu margin

Is there any way to change the left margin of the Navigation icon and the right margin of the Action …

android android-actionbar android-optionsmenu android-toolbar
Can't access android/drawable Icon-Resource

I'm creating a Optionsmenu, for that I use the Android Icon-Resource. But I can't access them, what am I doing …

android xml icons android-optionsmenu
Options menu not showing in ICS using compatibility library

I can't get an options menu to show in a Fragment in ICS in a project which uses the android-support-v4.…

android android-4.0-ice-cream-sandwich android-support-library android-optionsmenu
How to hide OptionsMenu on NavigationDrawer using Fragments?

I am creating android application and I'm trying to respect as much as possible the latest Android usability standards. In …

android android-fragments navigation-drawer android-optionsmenu
How to change Options menu dots color for the theme "Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar"

To change the default option menu icon color(3 vertical dote), i have tried adding <item name="android:textColorSecondary">@…

android android-optionsmenu
How to call (and use) onOptionsItemSelected from MainActivity in other classes

I'm making my very first Android application but I ran into a problem. I have over 8 different classes which all …

android android-intent android-actionbar android-optionsmenu
Using Android action bar share intent

I'm using a menu item on the action bar and I want to share my app by clicking the share …

android android-menu android-optionsmenu
How do I implement the onCreateOptionsMenu method in a SherlockFragment?

I am really struggling to set up the onCreateOptionsMenu method in my Sherlock Fragment, as I usually don't use Sherlock …

android actionbarsherlock android-optionsmenu
Warning when canceling ActionBar Overflow menu on Android 4.1.x

This is the warning I'm getting: 03-02 14:38:43.980: W/InputEventReceiver(3961): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver …

android warnings android-optionsmenu
android - change options menu dynamically , but by inflating from XML

i need to be able to change the options menu (the one that is shown upon pressing the menu button) …

android xml resources dynamically-generated android-optionsmenu