Top "Android-ndk" questions

The Android Native Development Kit (NDK) is a companion tool to the Android SDK that lets build performance-critical portions of apps in native code or port existing libraries in C/C++ to Android.

Calling a java method from c++ in Android

I'm trying to get a simple Java method call from C++ while Java calls native method. Here's the Java code: …

java c++ android java-native-interface android-ndk
Why use armeabi-v7a code over armeabi code?

In my current project I make use of multiple .so files. These are located at the armeabi and armeabi-v7a …

android android-ndk arm armv7
Can't include C++ headers like vector in Android NDK

When I try to include any C++ class like vector in my Android NDK project (using NDK r5b, the …

android stl vector android-ndk
NDK can't find the application directory

When running the ndk-build command I get the following error: Android NDK: Could not find application project directory ! Android NDK: …

android-ndk makefile
File Operations in Android NDK

I am using the Android NDK to make an application primarily in C for performance reasons, but it appears that …

c file-io java-native-interface android-ndk
Android NDK C++ JNI (no implementation found for native...)

I'm trying to use the NDK with C++ and can't seem to get the method naming convention correct. my native …

android android-ndk
Using cURL in Android

I would like to use cURL library in my android application in native code (using NDK r5b, the latest). …

android curl libcurl android-ndk
NDK Resolution Outcome: Project settings: Gradle model version=5.4.1, NDK version is UNKNOWN error

After updating Android Studio and Gradle to 3.5, I now get this error: NDK Resolution Outcome: Project settings: Gradle model version=5.4.1, …

android android-studio gradle android-ndk synchronization
Running a native library on Android L. error: only position independent executables (PIE) are supported

When I run native code on Android L (Nexus 5), I get the error. error: only position independent executables (PIE) are …

android android-ndk
Installing & using the Android NDK in Eclipse

I've been running the Android SDK for a while now in Eclipse (MAC OSX). I've downloaded the NDK and installed …

android android-ndk installation