Top "Android-navigationview" questions

One of the features of Android Design Support Library which is bringing a number of important material design components to all developers and to all Android 2.1 or higher devices.

Navigation Drawer Menu Item Title Color in Android

I have a problem changing the Menu Item Title Color in the Navigation Drawer I set the itemTextColor but it …

android colors navigation-drawer menuitem android-navigationview
Default Navigation Drawer View to ExpandableListView

In Android Studio 2.1.2, if i create a default navigation activity I get this view: Which uses the following activity_main.…

java android expandablelistview navigationview android-navigationview
How I can remove the unnecessary top padding of the Navigation view?

There's an unnecessary top padding between the header and the first item shown in this picture. How it can be …

android material-design android-support-library android-design-library android-navigationview
Disable icon colorStateList in NavigationView

In my app today I have icons which doesn't just have a single color, but in some cases two colors …

android material-design android-design-library android-navigationview
How to add click event to item on NavigationView of Android

I am trying to implement Sidebar NavigationDrawer in my Android project. To do so, I have used NavigationView in DrawerLayout. …

android android-navigationview
NavigationView(Change Color of Selected Item)

Is there any way to change the Item color programmatically of the selected item in the navigation drawer? I'am able …

android android-studio android-navigationview
Android NavigationView: reduce space between icon and text and `itemBackground` not working

Is there a way to reduce the space between the icon and text in the NavigationView when its built using …

android android-navigationview
Implementing proper back navigation and home button handling using Toolbar in Android

I am using a single activity and multiple fragments(screenshot attached) within the same activity to provide a seamless navigation. …

android android-fragments navigation-drawer android-navigationview
NavigationView: how to insert divider without subgroup?

How I can put a divider without title Subgroup in the new NavigationView? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <…

android android-support-library divider navigationview android-navigationview
Error inflating class after migration to AndroidX

After I updated my project to AndroidX with targetSdkVersion set to 28, my project crashes when installing it from the store …

android androidx android-navigationview