Top "Android-imageview" questions

Displays an arbitrary image or a drawable, such as an icon or an xml defined graphical element.

Android error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget

I came across many questions in stackoverflow regarding this error but non of them found explaining a proper solution for …

android android-imageview android-image android-memory
How to Get Correct Path After Cropping the Image?

I want to Crop the Capture/Selected Image and Upload it on to server. What Problem I am Facing : After …

android image imageview android-imageview crop
Universal Image Loader did not apply the displayImageOptions in loadImage

Universal Image Loader did not apply the display image options in the imageLoader.loadImage This is my code DisplayImageOptions options = …

android-imageview universal-image-loader resize-image
Android uploading pictures to server in most efficient way

I need to get images along with other data (very similar to email with attachements) to the server. I also …

android android-image android-imageview
Imageview gets blurry

This app is supposed to display images in which the students can count up what the money is worth in …

android xml android-imageview blurry
How to half overlap images in android constraint layout

Is there any way to place an images half is on top of another image using only constraint layout. I …

android android-layout android-imageview android-view android-constraintlayout
OnLongPress increase time

I have imageView. Im using pan,pinch for imageView. Sometimes i need to delete imageView. So, i used OnLongClickListener for …

android android-imageview ontouchlistener onlongclicklistener
Android ImageView does not match_parent inside FrameLayout below GingerBread

I am trying to build a speech bubble for a chat room. Each of the speech bubbles has the attached …

android android-layout android-fragments android-imageview android-listfragment
How to avoid flickering while updating gridview?

I have a gridview. Im displaying images from the array of 10 images. After 1 minute i'm adding 5 more images. To update …

android android-imageview android-gridview
Correspondence between ImageView coordinates and Bitmap Pixels - Android

In my application I want the user to be able to select some content of an Image contained inside an …

java android android-imageview android-image