Top "Android-gesture" questions

A package in the Android SDK that provides classes to create, recognize, load and save gestures.

rotation and scaling using multi touch in android

i want to rotate and scale the image on multi touch event, i am able to drag, scale the image …

android android-imageview android-gesture
Canvas Pinch-Zoom to Point Within Bounds

I've been stuck on this problem for eight hours, so I figured it was time to get some help. Before …

android android-canvas android-gesture
Difference between onScroll() and onFling() of GestureDetector

What is the difference between onScroll() and onFling() in the GestureDetector interface? When I print out the events they are …

android android-gesture
Viewpager in Android to switch between days endlessly

I am currently making a app where students can view there lesson grid. The lessons are retrieved using a json …

android date android-fragments android-viewpager android-gesture
Custom swipe animation (Tilt, Card Deck, 3D, etc.)

How can I implement a custom swipe animation instead of the standard horizontal movement? I'm thinking about a mixture of …

android android-layout android-animation android-viewpager android-gesture
Bezel Gestures with Android

I'm working on an application (on a Galaxy Nexus), and I noticed that Google implemented the "Google Now" application when …

android android-gesture
View.OnTouchListener() does not work on parent layout

I've set a View.OnTouchListener on a parent layout, but it doesn't appear to work. Here is the XML for …

android android-layout android-listview android-linearlayout android-gesture