Top "Android-camera2" questions

The android.

How to set android camera2 preview and capture size?

I am using a SurfaceView to show the preview I capture. I want to use width=1080,height=1920 for the preview. …

android android-camera2
Android - Switch between front and back camera while recording a video

I am trying to implement Custom Camera to record a video. I have followed This sample and it is working …

android android-layout video android-camera android-camera2
How to lock focus in camera2 api, android?

I am trying to lock focus after my custom camera finds focus. First it AF mode set to auto: builder.…

android android-camera2
Difference Between Camera and Camera2 in Android

I'm building an App which is similar to social media where people can share photos and videos like Instagram. That's …

android android-camera android-camera2
YUV_420_888 interpretation on Samsung Galaxy S7 (Camera2)

I wrote a conversion from YUV_420_888 to Bitmap, considering the following logic (as I understand it): To summarize the approach: …

android yuv android-camera2
Manual Focus using android camera2 API

I want to develop an Android Camera App for myself (can share it if there are interested people) that has …

android api focus android-camera2 lg
Get full screen preview with Android camera2

I'm building a custom camera using the new camera2 API. My code is based on the code sample provided by …

android camera camera2 android-camera2
android camera2 handle zoom

I'm new in Android Camera2 API. I just move my all project to the new Camera2 API. I have used …

android zooming capture android-camera2
What's the difference between ActivityCompat and ContextCompat?

I'm trying to use the Android camera, for API 23 or above, it requires asking for permission at runtime. According to …

android android-camera android-camera-intent android-camera2
Camera2 API Set Custom White Balance & Temperature Color

I'm trying to set a custom value for the White Balance & temperature color in my camera app. I'm using …

android camera android-camera rgb android-camera2