Top "Android-2.2-froyo" questions

Android 2.2 is a platform release including user features, developer features, API changes, and bug fixes.

Global declaration of variable in android

I am new to android development, I am parsing a xml file through SAX parser and storing the parsed data …

java android android-2.2-froyo
attempting to unit test and something with RoboGuice.newDefaultRoboModule() is failing with Roboguice 2.0b3 and Robolectric

I've been looking at the astroboy example code and documentation for RoboGuice 2, and I'm honestly stumped. I hope you all …

dependency-injection android-2.2-froyo roboguice robolectric
Multiple alignment in TextView?

I have a TextView like below. I used this code to set gray color for a part of the text. // …

android android-2.2-froyo text-alignment
Android Multiple Contacts Chooser (with option of choosing which phone number)

I need to be able to select multiple contacts in Android. The flow is like this : User clicks on a …

android android-intent android-2.2-froyo
Correct event registration in the 'PhoneGap + jQuery Mobile' application

I am trying to define the correct way to register both initialization events (jQuery-style) for PhoneGap and jQuery Mobile in …

jquery-mobile cordova android-2.2-froyo
How can I remove edittext error and request focus in android?

When I set error and request focus on edittext then it sets an error and request focus but how can …

android android-2.2-froyo
is there any alternative for ActionBar in 2.2?

Since the ActionBar is available only in Android 3.0 and later, what is a good way to implement ActionBar-like widget in …

android android-widget android-actionbar android-2.2-froyo
Virtual device can not be deleted

Possible Duplicate: Can’t delete virtual device from Eclipse, android I have multiple virtual devices, some of them can't be …

android android-2.2-froyo
Why is the ContentObserver called multiple times?

I have following ContentObserver implementation for receiving and writing SMS, but it is called multiple times. Code: public class SMSObserverActivity …

android android-2.2-froyo contentobserver
pull to refresh in android

Possible Duplicate: How to implement Android Pull-to-Refresh I have implemented pull to refresh in my app which works fine in 2.2, …

android android-2.2-froyo android-2.0-eclair