Top "Analytics.js" questions

Google Analytics's JavaScript snippet that measures how users interact with your website providing more flexibility than its successor ga.

what are the values in _ga cookie?

I am using universal analytics. universal analytics creates first party cookie _ga _ga=1.2.286403989.1366364567; 286403989 is clientId 1366364567 is timestamp what is 1 and 2 …

cookies google-analytics analytics web-analytics analytics.js
Events not being tracked in new Google Analytics (analytics.js) setup

I have a website that I am using the new Universal Analytics (analytics.js) to track. Everything is setup and …

events google-analytics jquery analytics.js
How to track multiple accounts using NEW analytics.js?

I need to track pageview for two accounts on one page, using Google's new analytics.js. There is plenty of …

javascript google-analytics analytics.js
Google Analytics Tracking GA.js vs Analytics.js

I'm trying to use this code to track an event in Google Analytics _trackEvent(category, action, opt_label, opt_value, …

google-analytics event-tracking analytics.js
trackingId and clientId with Google tag manager

Using analytics.js, i can access to trackingId or clientId with this functions: ga.getAll()[0].get('trackingId') ga.getAll()[0].get(…

javascript google-tag-manager analytics.js
Getting client ID with gtag.js

Google released gtag.js a couple of months ago as the new way of tracking with Google Analytics, eventually replacing …

javascript google-analytics analytics analytics.js gtag.js
Google Universal Analytics Localhost Setup

I'm trying to test GA on localhost after following the suggestions in Can you test google analytics on a localhost …

google-analytics localhost google-analytics-api analytics.js