System use case Vs. Business use case

odiseh picture odiseh · Dec 15, 2009 · Viewed 71.9k times · Source

I am completely new in analysis and design.....

please some one tell me :

what is the difference between System use case and Business use case ?

As far as I know, there is only one diagram in UML called use case diagram.. Now, what about them ? Do they have separate diagram?

Thank you


Abdur Rahman picture Abdur Rahman · Dec 24, 2011

Business Use-Case

A Business Use-Case is a way in which a customer or some other interested party can make use of the business to get the result they want whether it’s to buy an item, to get a new driving licence, to pay an invoice, or whatever. An important point is that a single execution of a Business Use-Case should encompass all the activities necessary to do what the customer (or other actor) wants, and also any activities that the business needs to do before the process is complete from its point of view.

System Use-Case

In contrast, a System Use-Case is a way in which a user of a computer system can make use of the system to get the result they want. This will typically be something we can readily imagine as being done in a single sitting on a single PC or other device such as an ATM or a mobile/cell phone, usually with a single UI, or a small number of closely-related screens such as a wizard, and taking maybe between a couple of minutes and a half-hour at most.

The Key Difference

The differences between Business and system use case

When faced with a particular modelling task I a real-life project, these differences helps us to decide: “Which one am I modelling here?”