Top "Anaconda" questions

Anaconda is an Open Data Science platform powered by Python.

Why Anaconda does not recognize conda command?

I installed the latest version of Anaconda. Now I want to install OpenCV within it. When I type: conda install …

python anaconda conda
How can I upgrade NumPy?

When I installed OpenCV using Homebrew (brew), I got this problem whenever I run this command to test python -c "…

python opencv numpy homebrew anaconda
Anaconda Installed but Cannot Launch Navigator

Anaconda (listed as "Python 3.6.0 (Anaconda 4.3.1 64 bit)" ) is in my programs and features list, but there is seeming no Anaconda Navigator …

python windows python-3.x windows-10 anaconda
How to run Spyder in virtual environment?

I have been using Spyder installed with with Anaconda distribution which uses Python 2.7 as default. Currently I need to set …

python python-3.x virtualenv anaconda spyder
Installation Issue with matplotlib Python

I have issue after installing the matplotlib package unable to import matplotlib.pyplot as plt. Any suggestion will be greatly …

python macos matplotlib anaconda
Conda command not found

I've installed Miniconda and have added the environment variable export PATH="/home/username/miniconda3/bin:$PATH" to my .bachrc and .…

python zsh anaconda miniconda
Anaconda vs. miniconda

In the Anaconda repository, there are two types of installers: "Anaconda installers" and "Miniconda installers". What are their differences? Besides, …

python anaconda miniconda
How do I install Keras and Theano in Anaconda Python on Windows?

I am trying to work on neural networks in Python using the following Keras packages: from keras.utils import np_…

python-2.7 python-3.x anaconda theano keras
anaconda/conda - install a specific package version

I want to install the 'rope' package in my current active environment using conda. Currently, the following 'rope' versions are …

python anaconda
Conda activate not working?

gonzo  ~/a/packages  conda env list # conda environments: # ppo_latest /nohome/jaan/abhishek/anaconda3/envs/ppo_latest root * /nohome/jaan/…

anaconda conda