I'm following the instructions here https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/logs/FilterAndPatternSyntax.html
but it's not working as i'm expecting it to.
I currently have the following cloudwatch log subscription filter pattern: ? "UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION" ? " SEVERE " ? " severe " ? " FATAL " ? " fatal " - "closing session"
I would like to match any patter with " fatal " whilst excluding "closing session" from the results.
However, the above filter is matching other log output:
You can't with event filter in CloudWatch... but you can with Logs Insights
CloudWatch -> CloudWatch Logs -> Logs Insights
CloudWatch -> CloudWatch Logs -> Log groups -> [your service logs] -> [Button Logs Insights]
Logs Insights
So in your case you can with this in the query box
fields @timestamp, @message
| sort @timestamp desc
| filter @message like /SEVERE|severe|FATAL|fatal|closing session/
Now click on run query and you will see only logs that you want with that filters.