I have an error Code storage limit exceeded deploy the serverless application in AWS. Total size 409 B.
The error message says:
An error occurred: HelloLambdaFunction - Code storage limit exceeded. (Service: AWSLambda; Status Code: 400; Error Code: CodeStorageExceededException; Request ID: ...)
Looking specifically for this problem related to serverless, I found https://github.com/serverless/serverless/issues/400. It is a known problem of the serverless framework. However, some enterprising individual created a solution to the problem with a plugin that is able to prune old versions: https://github.com/claygregory/serverless-prune-plugin. This allows you to clean up the old versions and code storage without deleting the entire stack.
For example, you can delete all but the last 10 versions using:
sls prune -n 10
There are further options for restricting by stage or region. Even better it is possible to integrate the plugin into the deploy to automatically remove all but x versions.
I used this plugin for my current serverless project and it delivered on the promise.