I' using Cognito user pool for securing my API gateway . Now I would like to make requests to my API using postman but I need to pass in Authorization token as the API is secured. Is there any AWS CLI command or REST API to generate auth tokens(by passing username/password)? I have searched documentation but couldn't find any examples. Thanks for your help.
You can do this using the following CLI commands:
Register a user
aws cognito-idp sign-up --region {your-aws-region} --client-id {your-client-id} --username [email protected] --password password123
Confirm user registration
aws cognito-idp admin-confirm-sign-up --region {your-aws-region} --user-pool-id {your-user-pool-id} --username [email protected]
Authenticate (get tokens)
aws cognito-idp admin-initiate-auth --region {your-aws-region} --cli-input-json file://auth.json
Where auth.json is:
"UserPoolId": "{your-user-pool-id}",
"ClientId": "{your-client-id}",
"AuthFlow": "ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH",
"AuthParameters": {
"USERNAME": "[email protected]",
"PASSWORD": "password123"
You should get a response like this if everything is set up correctly:
"AuthenticationResult": {
"ExpiresIn": 3600,
"IdToken": "{your-idtoken}",
"RefreshToken": "{your-refresh-token}",
"TokenType": "Bearer",
"AccessToken": "{your-access-token}"
"ChallengeParameters": {}