I have an API Gateway resource that runs a lambda function. I'm calling the API Gateway resource using the AWS Generated SDK from my Api Gateway.
Here's the portion of the stacktrace from my client that seems relevant:
Caused by: com.amazonaws.mobileconnectors.apigateway.ApiClientException: {"message": "Internal server error"} (Service: DevnetcountableClient; Status Code: 500; Error Code: null; Request ID: 348e8f98-6f55-11e6-97f6-098c2caf220f)
at com.amazonaws.mobileconnectors.apigateway.ApiClientHandler.handleResponse(ApiClientHandler.java:255) at com.amazonaws.mobileconnectors.apigateway.ApiClientHandler.invoke(ApiClientHandler.java:88)
at java.lang.reflect.Proxy.invoke(Proxy.java:393)
at $Proxy1.accountCreatePost(Unknown Source)
Now looking at the AWS console, within my Api Gateway Dashboard I see the requests coming in and resulting in "AWS/ApiGateway 5XXError". However there are 0 logs (that I can find). My lambda function does NOT appear to be called, and no lambda logs are shown.
Right now this is what my lambda looks like:
module.exports.createAccount = function(event, context, cb) {
cb(null, {status: 'SUCCESS', message: 'I ran!'});
What can I do to debug this?
Edit: Okay here is the cloudformation script that's throwing everything together.
"Description":"The AWS CloudFormation template for this Serverless application",
"application/json":"\n #define( $loop )\n {\n #foreach($key in $map.keySet())\n \"$util.escapeJavaScript($key)\":\n \"$util.escapeJavaScript($map.get($key))\"\n #if( $foreach.hasNext ) , #end\n #end\n }\n #end\n {\n \"body\": $input.json(\"$\"),\n \"method\": \"$context.httpMethod\",\n \"principalId\": \"$context.authorizer.principalId\",\n \"stage\": \"$context.stage\",\n\n #set( $map = $input.params().header )\n \"headers\": $loop,\n\n #set( $map = $input.params().querystring )\n \"query\": $loop,\n\n #set( $map = $input.params().path )\n \"path\": $loop,\n\n #set( $map = $context.identity )\n \"identity\": $loop,\n\n #set( $map = $stageVariables )\n \"stageVariables\": $loop\n }\n "
"Description":"Schema for AccountCreationRequestModel",
"Description":"Schema for AccountCreationResponseModel",
"Description":"Schema for FailureResponseModel",
"Description":"Lambda function info",
"Description":"URL of the service endpoint",
Edit 2: When I test the endpoint using API Gateway's test feature in the AWS Console everything works great :/
Edit 3: Updated the cloudformation script again--still not working.
How to Debug:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
With the following trust policy:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": "apigateway.amazonaws.com"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
In API Gateway console for your API's region: Go to settings >>> Enter in the ARN of the API Gateway-CloudWatch logging role >>> click 'Save'
Go to the stage of your API. Under 'CloudWatch Settings', select 'Enable CloudWatch Logs'. Set 'Log level' to 'INFO'. Select 'Log full requests/responses data'.
Redeploy your API to that stage: Go to the 'Resources' tab for your API. Select Actions >>> Deploy API.
Make requests, wait a few minutes, and see what the logs say (in CloudWatch).
The Error:
The Cause:
Once I enabled "Invoke with caller credentials" using Credentials: 'arn:aws:iam::*:user/*'
, the caller's IAM role didn't have access to invoke the lambda function. This resulted in the 500 error. Once I gave the caller's IAM role access, everything started to work properly.