How to accept the Free form text as input to Amazon Skill Kit?

Sathish picture Sathish · Mar 26, 2016 · Viewed 11.7k times · Source

I'm required to create a Amazon Skill Kit to open a ticket in our ticketing tool. By looking at the examples for Amazon Skill Kit, I couldn't find a way of accepting the free form text as input. Other option is by creating a custom slot with all probable set of inputs as custom slot inputs.

But in my case, all i have to do is capture the full content of user input to log it somewhere in the ticket which is very unlikely to expect the probable utterances before hand.


Quinxy von Besiex picture Quinxy von Besiex · Oct 1, 2016

Correction to my comment... I, and others, may be misunderstanding the deprecation of the AMAZON.LITERAL. I found that custom slots still pass through literal content that did not match the predefined entries. If you have a custom slot with the entries "Bob" and "John" and I say "Samuel" my skill is still sent "Samuel". Which seems identical to previous AMAZON.LITERAL behavior. (AMAZON.LITERAL required you to provide example utterances, just as custom slots require to provide example utterances, so it seems only a difference in definition, not function.)