I am trying to set up mongodb on and EC2 instance configured for EBS. I am following this MongoDB walkthrough. I created a new instance with the ec2 command line tool:
ec2-run-instances ami-05355a6c -t m1.large -b "/dev/xvdf=:200:false:io1:1000" -b "/dev/xvdg=:25:false:io1:250" -b "/dev/xvdh=:10:false:io1:100" --ebs-optimized true
and it says the instance is created. However, when I go to the aws console, it doesn't show up. Additionally, when I run:
ec2-describe-instances [instance id]
it prints out info for a running instance
RESERVATION r-5c259387c 6724431926739
INSTANCE [instance-id] ami-05355a6c ec2-[ip-address].computer-1.amazonaws.com ip-172-31-41-121.ec2.internal running 0 m1.large 2015-11-06T03:18:26+0000 us-east-1c aki-88aarjns8 monitoring-disabled [ip-address] [internal-ip-address] vpc-778e98sy subnet-3060eb47 ebs paravirtual xen sg-d94097bd default true
BLOCKDEVICE /dev/sda1 vol-beb6posj 2015-11-06T03:18:30.000Z true
BLOCKDEVICE /dev/xvdf vol-e2b75aef 2015-11-06T03:18:30.000Z false
BLOCKDEVICE /dev/xvdg vol-29b65ard 2015-11-06T03:18:30.000Z false
BLOCKDEVICE /dev/xvdh vol-bfb65sdf 2015-11-06T03:18:30.000Z false
NIC eni-20sdff6d subnet-3060eb47 vpc-778ee212 672443198021 in-use [internal-ip-address] true
NICATTACHMENT eni-attach-c916sdfe 0 attached 2015-11-05T20:18:26-0700 true
NICASSOCIATION [ip-address] amazon [internal-ip-address]
GROUP sg-dd4577bd default
PRIVATEIPADDRESS [ip-address] [internal-ip-address]
What am I missing? Where is this instance being created? Why does it not show up in my list of instances?
You need to select the region you want to view in the aws console. You have created instances in region A and your console is displaying instances of region B. Select the region from the top right corner option to the left of 'support' option