Amazon Echo - Push a message to the device

code picture code · Oct 29, 2015 · Viewed 10.3k times · Source

I have integrated my amazon echo device with the amazon portal associated to my account. I was able to create my own custom question with the Alexa Skills Kit and process with an AWS Lambda function to generate a response.

My question is: is it possible to programatically "push" a message to the echo device? For example, I would like for it to speak without having to ask it a question. I'd like it to do something at a specific moment.

If it is possible, could you please share any sample code to achieve this?


E.J. Brennan picture E.J. Brennan · Oct 29, 2015

It is not currently possible, but it is an oft requested feature on the AWS forums.;jsessionid=EC0D457A400B594DD0F0561EEB43A8FA?messageID=17713&#17713