how to send emails from amazon EC2?

AvMishra picture AvMishra · Aug 25, 2012 · Viewed 37.1k times · Source

Recently I have switched my hosting from bluehost to amazon ec2. I need to know, how my application would be able to send the emails from amazon ec2? Do I need to install any smtp server on my instance or I have to configure amazon SES? Please help.

thanks in advance.


timday picture timday · Aug 25, 2012

Noone gets to send email directly out of EC2 without signing up to SES and working within its constraints. Good grief, AWS would just be one enormous and thoroughly blackholed spam factory without SES in place.

Might also be worth looking at whether AWS's SNS might be a better solution for whatever you're trying to do.

Update: it is possible to send email directly from AWS, but you'll want to let AWS know by filling in a form so that they can whitelist the IP.

Update: More up to date treatment of this topic in this question.