amazon s3 vs google cloud storage

Maik Klein picture Maik Klein · Jul 27, 2012 · Viewed 29.5k times · Source

We are gathering information about different systems. At the moment we are looking for a storage solution. We will have a high amount of outgoing traffic with large files.

I want to compare s3 with google cloud storage.

google cloud storage costs around $0.08/GB at 90TB. S3 is around $0.06. But google cloud storage has already a cdn, which makes it way cheaper than amazon s3 with cloudfront.

Now I read somewhere that google cloud stroage is much slower than s3 with very large files. Is this true ?

I can not find any information.

What alternatives do I have if I have a high amount of outgoing traffic and large files ?




Felipe Hoffa picture Felipe Hoffa · May 22, 2013

2016 update - Look at this benchmark comparing AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud storage:

As a reddit user commented:

“Not for network throughput on GCP. It consistently beats out all of the competition by a such huge margin that if you’re writing an App that’s latency/bandwidth sensitive on the network side just ignore the competition.”

For current pricing schemes, compare:

Performance is trickier to evaluate: You can get numbers, but those numbers will depend a lot on current conditions, network, proximity to datacenters, ratio of read/writes, etc.