How to safely unload/copy a table in RedShift?

ciphor picture ciphor · Oct 16, 2014 · Viewed 14.3k times · Source

In RedShift, it is convenient to use unload/copy to move data to S3 and load back to redshift, but I feel it is hard to choose the delimiter each time. The right delimiter is relevant to the content of the table! I had to change the delimiter each time I met load errors.

For example, when I use the following command to unload/copy a table:

unload ('select * from tbl_example') to 's3://s3bucket/tbl_example' CREDENTIALS 'aws_access_key_id=xxx;aws_secret_access_key=xxx' delimiter '|' addquotes allowoverwrite;

copy tbl_example2 from 's3://s3bucket/tbl_example' CREDENTIALS 'aws_access_key_id=xxx;aws_secret_access_key=xxx' delimiter '|' removequotes;

I will get load error if the table happens to have a field with its content as "||". Then I have to change the delimiter '|' to another one like ',' and try again, if I'm unlucky, maybe it takes multiple tries to get a success.

I'm wondering if there's a way to unload/copy a redshift table which is irrelevant to the content of the table, which will always succeed no mater what weird strings are stored in the table.


ciphor picture ciphor · Oct 17, 2014

Finally I figured out the right approach, to add escape in both unload and copy command:

unload ('select * from tbl_example') to 's3://s3bucket/tbl_example' CREDENTIALS 'aws_access_key_id=xxx;aws_secret_access_key=xxx' delimiter '|' addquotes escape allowoverwrite;

copy tbl_example2 from 's3://s3bucket/tbl_example' CREDENTIALS 'aws_access_key_id=xxx;aws_secret_access_key=xxx' delimiter '|' removequotes escape;

With escape in unload command, for CHAR and VARCHAR columns in delimited unload files, an escape character (\) is placed before every occurrence of the following characters:

  • Linefeed: \n
  • Carriage return: \r
  • The delimiter character specified for the unloaded data.
  • The escape character: \
  • A quote character: " or ' (if both ESCAPE and ADDQUOTES are specified in the UNLOAD command).

And with escape in copy command, the backslash character () in input data is treated as an escape character. The character that immediately follows the backslash character is loaded into the table as part of the current column value, even if it is a character that normally serves a special purpose. For example, you can use this option to escape the delimiter character, a quote, an embedded newline, or the escape character itself when any of these characters is a legitimate part of a column value.