Where are the specifications/XSDs for Amazon MWS feed XML processing reports?

net_prog picture net_prog · Jan 19, 2012 · Viewed 16.2k times · Source

Amazon provides a batch of documents describing the format of the feeds we can send via MWS, however, we also need to know what to expect in their responses, what status codes may be reported or what is the structure of XML when errors reported, etc...

Where can I get the information?


Steffen Opel picture Steffen Opel · Jan 19, 2012

The MWS XML schemata are documented within the Selling on Amazon Guide to XML linked from the Developer Guides section in the Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) Documentation.

I'm omitting a direct link to the PDF, as this might change once in a while. For the same reason the XSD files you are looking for are not publicly linked by Amazon as well, rather you'll find the links to the most current schema documents within the respective sections of the Selling on Amazon Guide to XML.

You might also be interested in the Amazon MWS Developer Guide, the Feeds API Reference and the guide for the Amazon MWS Scratchpad, which are all available there as well.

Good luck!