Starting Kafka Server Permanently

user1058797 picture user1058797 · Feb 14, 2013 · Viewed 22k times · Source

I have setup Kafka on Amazon EC2 instance.

I have done the following in below order: (1) SSH into the Instance (2) Start Zookeper (3) Start Kafka (4) Execute Producer and Consumer Programs.

Everything is working fine till here. However once I close the SSH window on which I have started Kafka, the Kafka service stops. I can no longer execute Producer and Consumer programs.

How can I have the Kafka Server permanently up for all requests, even after I close the SSH window.

Thank You.


Atul Soman picture Atul Soman · Jan 18, 2016

This is now officially supported in kafka and zookeeper startup scripts. So if you are on latest (Since Aug 2015) kafka you can use -daemon as follows.

# ./
USAGE: ./ [-daemon]

# ./
USAGE: ./ [-daemon]