For better or worse, we have migrated our whole LAMP web application from dedicated machines to the cloud (Amazon EC2 machines). It's going great so far but the way we do crons is sub-optimal. I have a Amazon-specific question about how to best manage cron jobs in the cloud using "the Amazon way".
The problem: We have multiple webservers, and need to run crons for batch jobs such as creating RSS feeds, triggering emails, many different things actually. BUT the cron jobs need to only run on one machine because they often write to the database so would duplicate the results if run on multiple machines.
So far, we designated one of the webservers as the "master-webserver" and it has a few "special" tasks that the other webservers don't have. The trade-off for cloud computing is reliability - we don't want a "master-webserver" because it's a single point of failure. We want them to all be identical and to be able to upscale and downscale without remembering not to take the master-webserver out of the cluster.
How can we redesign our application to convert Linux cron jobs into transitory work items that don't have a single point of failure?
My ideas so far:
Update: Since asking the question I have watched the Amazon Simple Workflow Service webinar on YouTube and noticed at 34:40 ( I caught a glimpse of a slide mentioning cron jobs as a sample application. In their documentation page, "AWS Flow Framework samples for Amazon SWF", Amazon say they have sample code for crons:
... > Cron jobs In this sample, a long running workflow periodically executes an activity. The ability to continue executions as new executions so that an execution can run for very extended periods of time is demonstrated. ...
I downloaded the AWS SDK for Java ( and sure enough buried within a ridiculous layers of folders there is some java code (aws-java-sdk-1.3.6/samples/AwsFlowFramework/src/com/amazonaws/services/simpleworkflow/flow/examples/periodicworkflow
The problem is, if I'm honest, this doesn't really help as it's not something I can easily digest with my skillset. The same sample is missing from the PHP SDK and there doesn't seem to be a tutorial that walks though the process. So basically, I'm still hunting for advice or tips.
I signed up for Amazon Gold support to ask them this question, this was their response:
I did a quick poll of some of my colleagues and came up empty on the cron, but after sleeping on it I realised the important step may be limited to locking. So I looked for "distributed cron job locking" and found a reference to Zookeeper, an Apache project.
Also I have seen reference to using memcached or a similar caching mechanism as a way to create locks with a TTL. In this way you set a flag, with a TTL of 300 seconds and no other cron worker will execute the job. The lock will automatically be released after the TTL has expired. This is conceptually very similar to the SQS option we discussed yesterday.
Also see; Google's chubby
Let me know if this helps, and feel free to ask questions, we are very aware that our services can be complex and daunting to both beginners and seasoned developers alike. We are always happy to offer architecture and best practice advice.
Best regards,
Ronan G. Amazon Web Services