Amazon DynamoDB is a proprietary closed-source cloudnative key-value and document database optimized for horizontal scaling.
I have DynamoDB table structured like this A B C D 1 id1 foo hi 1 id2 var hello A is the …
amazon-dynamodb delete-operatorI want to insert data into dynamodb local. However, I have only one key attribute and multiple non-key attributes. { 'id':…
amazon-web-services amazon-dynamodb dynamo-localI want to update contains in DynamoDB, for which I need to iterate over existing partition keys present in table. …
amazon-web-services amazon-dynamodb amazon-dynamodb-streamsI am very beginner to AWS DynamoDB, I want to scan the DynamoDB with SENDTO.emailAddress = "[email protected]" as …
amazon-dynamodb aws-sdk-nodejs aws-sdk-jsI am observing an unexpected outcome when querying a DynamoDB table using the AWS DynamodB Document Model in C#. My …
c# amazon-dynamodb aws-toolkitCan anyone explain how to use GetItemInput type when calling DocumentClient.get ? If I pass in an object of any …
amazon-web-services aws-lambda amazon-dynamodb aws-sdk aws-sdk-jsI'm not having much luck with this query, it returns 0 items const { Items } = await this.dynamoDb.query({ TableName: 'exampleTableName', IndexName: …
node.js amazon-dynamodb aws-sdk dynamodb-queriesI'm trying to set-up an AWS-lambda using aws-sdk-go that is triggered whenever a new user is added to a certain …
go aws-lambda amazon-dynamodb aws-sdk-goI've seen this site about DynamoDB On-demand and I updated my tables, created by CloudFormation, to On-demand. Now, when I …
amazon-web-services amazon-dynamodb amazon-cloudformationDoes AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) provide a way so that a user can only edit or delete the …
amazon-web-services amazon-dynamodb amazon-iam