'alter' is a SQL keyword used to change or modify the table structure or the records in a table.
I am developing a website using Spring+JPA+Hibernate. In the persistence configuration (JPA+Hibernate) I'm setting the HibernateJpaVendorAdapter's generateDdl …
hibernate alterALTER TABLE user DROP COLUMN registered_date We can drop a column using the above command. But how can i …
mysql sql alterIs it possible to alter a CSS stylesheet using JavaScript? I am NOT talking about: document.getElementById('id').style._____='.....…
javascript html css stylesheet alterWhat happens if you kill a long-running alter query? Will the alter query simply revert? How long could that take (…
mysql kill alterI am trying to rename a column name in w3schools website ALTER TABLE customers RENAME COLUMN contactname to new_…
sql alterHow can I alter a column whose restricted to NOT NULL to accept NULL values?
mysql null alterI know this is not a big issue, but it tickles me anyway. I have a SQL Server 2005 script to …
sql-server-2005 alter-table alter sql-scriptsI want to add an index to a table by using the ALTER syntax, but first check if it already …
mysql indexing alter