Top "Alphanumeric" questions

Alphanumeric refers to strings containing a combination of letters and digits.

Oracle: a query, which counts occurrences of all non alphanumeric characters in a string

What would be the best way to count occurrences of all non alphanumeric characters that appear in a string in …

sql regex oracle alphanumeric
EditText input with pattern android

I am having a EditText in which I have to accept alphanumeric input from user which is specific to pattern, …

android design-patterns android-edittext alphanumeric
remove all non-alphanumeric characters from lua string

I checking string for a non-alphanumeric char. if(str:match("%W")) then --make str alpha-numeric end How to remove all …

lua alphanumeric non-alphanumeric
C# Method like Base64String, but only alphanumeric (no plus or slash)

is there any C# method that works similar to Convert.ToBase64String but doesn't generate anything except alphanumeric output? Thanks!

c# encoding base64 alphanumeric
How to check if a string is all lowercase and alphanumerics?

Is there a method that checks for these cases? Or do I need to parse each letter in the string, …

c++ string lowercase alphanumeric
Generate random letters and numbers together

Generate 6 characters: the first character is randomly generated from the alphabets with odd ordering in the alphabet list (A, C, …

java random alphanumeric
"Alphanumeric" hash - A-Z, 0-9

I'm looking for a function that will generate an "alphanumeric hash". Given a source string, it produces a determinate result …

language-agnostic hash alphanumeric
How to sort number in alphanumeric

Input: SHC 111U,SHB 22x,, SHA 5555G Needed output: SHB 22X, SHC 111U, SHA 5555G I have to sort only …

c# sorting alphanumeric
XSLT Sort Alphabetically & Numerically Problem

I have a group of strings ie g:lines = '9,1,306,LUCY,G,38,12' I need the output to be in …

xslt sorting alphanumeric