I'm working on putting together a problem set for an intro-level CS course and came up with a question that, on the surface, seems very simple:
You are given a list of people with the names of their parents, their birth dates, and their death dates. You are interested in finding out who, at some point in their lifetime, was a parent, a grandparent, a great-grandparent, etc. Devise an algorithm to label each person with this information as an integer (0 means the person never had a child, 1 means that the person was a parent, 2 means that the person was a grandparent, etc.)
For simplicity, you can assume that the family graph is a DAG whose undirected version is a tree.
The interesting challenge here is that you can't just look at the shape of the tree to determine this information. For example, I have 8 great-great-grandparents, but since none of them were alive when I was born, in their lifetimes none of them were great-great-grandparents.
The best algorithm I can come up with for this problem runs in time O(n2), where n is the number of people. The idea is simple - start a DFS from each person, finding the furthest descendant down in the family tree that was born before that person's death date. However, I'm pretty sure that this is not the optimal solution to the problem. For example, if the graph is just two parents and their n children, then the problem can be solved trivially in O(n). What I'm hoping for is some algorithm that is either beats O(n2) or whose runtime is parameterized over the shape of the graph that makes it fast for wide graphs with a graceful degradation to O(n2) in the worst-case.
Update: This is not the best solution I have come up with, but I've left it because there are so many comments relating to it.
You have a set of events (birth/death), parental state (no descendants, parent, grandparent, etc) and life state (alive, dead).
I would store my data in structures with the following fields:
Sort your events by date, and then for each event take one of the following two courses of logic:
Create new person with a mother, father, 0 generations, who is alive and may
have a living ancestor.
For each parent:
If generations increased, then recursively increase generations for
all living ancestors whose generations increased. While doing that,
set the may_have_living_ancestor flag to false for anyone for whom it is
discovered that they have no living ancestors. (You only iterate into
a person's ancestors if you increased their generations, and if they
still could have living ancestors.)
Emit the person's name and generations.
Set their is_alive flag to false.
The worst case is O(n*n)
if everyone has a lot of living ancestors. However in general you've got the sorting preprocessing step which is O(n log(n))
and then you're O(n * avg no of living ancestors)
which means that the total time tends to be O(n log(n))
in most populations. (I hadn't counted the sorting prestep properly, thanks to @Alexey Kukanov for the correction.)