Divide and Conquer Matrix Multiplication

Raptrex picture Raptrex · Jan 31, 2011 · Viewed 15.3k times · Source

I am having trouble getting divide and conquer matrix multiplication to work. From what I understand, you split the matrices of size nxn into quadrants (each quadrant is n/2) and then you do:

C11 = A11⋅ B11 + A12 ⋅ B21   
C12 = A11⋅ B12 + A12 ⋅ B22  
C21 = A21 ⋅ B11 + A22 ⋅ B21  
C22 = A21 ⋅ B12 + A22 ⋅ B22  

My output for divide and conquer is really large and I'm having trouble figuring out the problem as I am not very good with recursion.

example output:

Original Matrix A:

4 0 4 3   
5 4 0 4   
4 0 4 0  
4 1 1 1 

A x A


44 3 35 15  
56 20 24 35  
32 0 32 12  
29 5 21 17  

Divide and Conquer:

992 24 632 408  
1600 272 720 1232   
512 0 512 384  
460 17 405 497  

Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong for divide and conquer? All my matrices are int[][] and classical method is the traditional 3 for loop matrix multiplication


Null Set picture Null Set · Jan 31, 2011

You are recursively calling divideAndConquer in the wrong way. What your function does is square a matrix. In order for divide and conquer matrix multiplication to work, it needs to be able to multiply two potentially different matrixes together.

It should look something like this:

private static int[][] divideAndConquer(int[][] matrixA, int[][] matrixB){
    if (matrixA.length == 2){
         //calculate and return base case
    else {
        //make a11, b11, a12, b12 etc. by dividing a and b into quarters      
        int[][] c11 = addMatrix(divideAndConquer(a11,b11),divideAndConquer(a12,b21));
        int[][] c12 = addMatrix(divideAndConquer(a11,b12),divideAndConquer(a12,b22));
        int[][] c21 = addMatrix(divideAndConquer(a21,b11),divideAndConquer(a22,b21));
        int[][] c22 = addMatrix(divideAndConquer(a21,b12),divideAndConquer(a22,b22));
        //combine result quarters into one result matrix and return