Apologies for the academic answer... but algorithm S in Knuth's TAOCP, Volume 4, Fascicle 4 is exactly about generating all spanning trees (pp. 26ff). There are a few musings when he talks about generating (spanning) trees, but your best bet in TAOCP.
What is the exact difference between Dijkstra's and Prim's algorithms? I know Prim's will give a MST but the tree generated by Dijkstra will also be a MST. Then what is the exact difference?
This is a follow-up question of Why most graph algorithms do not adapt so easily to negative numbers?.
I think Shortest Path (SP) has problem with negative weights, because it adds up all weights along the paths and tries to …
A minimum bottleneck spanning tree of a weighted graph G is a spanning tree of G such that minimizes the maximum weight of any edge in the spanning tree. A MBST is not necessarily a MST (minimum spanning tree).
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