I'm trying to generate a list of primes below 1 billion. I'm trying this, but this kind of structure is pretty shitty. Any suggestions?
a <- 1:1000000000
d <- 0
b <- for (i in a) {for (j in 1:i) {if (i %% j !=0) {d <- c(d,i)}}}
That sieve posted by George Dontas is a good starting point. Here's a much faster version with running times for 1e6 primes of 0.095s as opposed to 30s for the original version.
sieve <- function(n)
n <- as.integer(n)
if(n > 1e8) stop("n too large")
primes <- rep(TRUE, n)
primes[1] <- FALSE
last.prime <- 2L
fsqr <- floor(sqrt(n))
while (last.prime <= fsqr)
primes[seq.int(2L*last.prime, n, last.prime)] <- FALSE
sel <- which(primes[(last.prime+1):(fsqr+1)])
last.prime <- last.prime + min(sel)
}else last.prime <- fsqr+1
Here are some alternate algorithms below coded about as fast as possible in R. They are slower than the sieve but a heck of a lot faster than the questioners original post.
Here's a recursive function that uses mod but is vectorized. It returns for 1e5 almost instantaneously and 1e6 in under 2s.
primes <- function(n){
primesR <- function(p, i = 1){
f <- p %% p[i] == 0 & p != p[i]
if (any(f)){
p <- primesR(p[!f], i+1)
The next one isn't recursive and faster again. The code below does primes up to 1e6 in about 1.5s on my machine.
primest <- function(n){
p <- 2:n
i <- 1
while (p[i] <= sqrt(n)) {
p <- p[p %% p[i] != 0 | p==p[i]]
i <- i+1
BTW, the spuRs package has a number of prime finding functions including a sieve of E. Haven't checked to see what the speed is like for them.
And while I'm writing a very long answer... here's how you'd check in R if one value is prime.
isPrime <- function(x){
div <- 2:ceiling(sqrt(x))
!any(x %% div == 0)