We want to search for a given element in a circular sorted array in complexity not greater than O(log n)
Example: Search for 13
in {5,9,13,1,3}
My idea was to convert the circular array into a regular sorted array then do a binary search on the resulting array, but my problem was the algorithm I came up was stupid that it takes O(n)
in the worst case:
for(i = 1; i < a.length; i++){
if (a[i] < a[i-1]){
minIndex = i; break;
then the corresponding index of ith element will be determined from the following relation:
(i + minInex - 1) % a.length
it is clear that my conversion (from circular to regular) algorithm may take O(n), so we need a better one.
According to ire_and_curses idea, here is the solution in Java:
public int circularArraySearch(int[] a, int low, int high, int x){
//instead of using the division op. (which surprisingly fails on big numbers)
//we will use the unsigned right shift to get the average
int mid = (low + high) >>> 1;
if(a[mid] == x){
return mid;
//a variable to indicate which half is sorted
//1 for left, 2 for right
int sortedHalf = 0;
if(a[low] <= a[mid]){
//the left half is sorted
sortedHalf = 1;
if(x <= a[mid] && x >= a[low]){
//the element is in this half
return binarySearch(a, low, mid, x);
if(a[mid] <= a[high]){
//the right half is sorted
sortedHalf = 2;
if(x >= a[mid] && x<= a[high] ){
return binarySearch(a, mid, high, x);
// repeat the process on the unsorted half
if(sortedHalf == 1){
//left is sorted, repeat the process on the right one
return circularArraySearch(a, mid, high, x);
//right is sorted, repeat the process on the left
return circularArraySearch(a, low, mid, x);
Hopefully this will work.
You can do this by taking advantage of the fact that the array is sorted, except for the special case of the pivot value and one of its neighbours.
a[0] < a[mid]
, then all values in
the first half of the array are
sorted. a[mid] < a[last]
, then all
values in the second half of the
array are sorted.