I want to write a program that, given a list of points in 3D-space, represented as an array of x,y,z coordinates in floating point, outputs a best-fit line in this space. The line can/should be in the form of a unit vector and a point on the line.
The problem is that I don't know how this is to be done. The closest thing I found was this link, though quite honestly I did not understand how he went from equation to equation and by the time we got to matrices I was pretty lost.
Is there a generalization of simple 2D linear regression that I can use/can someone explain (mathematically) if/how the above linked-to method works (and what one would have to do to compute the best-fit line using it)?
There is a standard formula for N-dimensional linear regression given by
Where the result, is a vector of size n + 1 giving the coefficients of the function that best fits the data.
In your case n = 3. While X is a mx(n+1) matrix called the design matrix -- in your case mx4. To construct the design matrix, you simply have to copy each data point coordinate value (x1,x2,...) into a row of X and in addition, place the number 1 in column 1 on each row. The vector y has the values associated with those coordinates. The terms and are the "transpose of X" and the "inverse of the product of the transpose of X and X." That last term can be computationally intensive to obtain because to invert a matrix is O(n^3), but for you n = 4, as long as n less than say 5000, no problem.
Lets say you have data points (6,4,11) = 20, (8,5,15) = 30, (12,9,25) = 50, and (2,1,3) = 7. In that case,
Then you simply have to multiply things out and you can get directly. Multiplying matrices is straightforward and though more complicated, taking the inverse of a matrix is fairly straightforward (see here for example). However, for scientific computing languages like Matlab, Octave, and Julia (which I'll illustrate with) it's a one-liner.
julia> X = [1 6 4 11; 1 8 5 15; 1 12 9 25; 1 2 1 3]
4x4 Array{Int64,2}:
1 6 4 11
1 8 5 15
1 12 9 25
1 2 1 3
julia> y = [20;30;50;7]
4-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> T = pinv(X'*X)*X'*y
4-element Array{Float64,1}:
julia> 12*(-5.5) + 9*(-7.0) + 25*(7) + 4
In Julia, Matlab, and Octave matrices can be multiplied simply by using *, while the transpose operator is '. Note here that I used pinv (the pseudo inverse) which is necessary (not this time) when the data is too redundant and gives rise to a non invertable X-Xtranspose, keep that in mind if you choose to implement matrix inversion yourself.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a technique for dimensionality reduction, the object is to find a k-dimensional space from an n dimensional space such that the projection error is minimized. In the general case, n and k are arbitrary, but in this case n = 3 and k = 1. There are 4 main steps.
For the standard method to work, one must first perform mean normalization and also possibly scale the data so that the algorithm doesn't fail from floating point error. In the latter case, that means if the range of values of one dimension are huge relative to another there could be problem (like -1000 to 1000 in one dimension versus -0.1 to 0.2). Usually they're close enough though.Mean normalization simply mean for each dimension, subtract the average from each datapoint so that the resulting data set is centered around the origin. Take the result and store each data point (x1,x2,...xn) as a row in one big matrix X.
X = [ 6 4 11; 8 5 15; 12 9 25; 2 1 3]
4x3 Array{Int64,2}:
6 4 11
8 5 15
12 9 25
2 1 3
find the averages
y = convert(Array{Float64,1},([sum(X[1:4,x]) for x = 1:3])/4')
3-element Array{Float64,1}:
julia> Xm = X .- y'
4x3 Array{Float64,2}:
-1.0 -0.75 -2.5
1.0 0.25 1.5
5.0 4.25 11.5
-5.0 -3.75 -10.5
The covariance matrix sigma is simply
where m is the number of data points.
Here it's best to just find a library that takes the covariance matrix and spits out the answer. There are many and here are some of them; in python in R, in Java, and of course in Octave, Julia, Matlab (like R) it's another one liner svd.
Perform SVD on the covariance matrix
(U,S,V) = svd((1/4)*Xm'*Xm);
Take the first component (for k dimensions, you would take the first k components)
Ureduce = U[:,1]
3-element Array{Float64,1}:
This is the line that minimizes the projection error
You can even recover the approximation of the original values, but they will all be lined up and projected on the same line. Connect the dots to get a line segment.
Obtain the reduced dimension of each of the data points in X (since 1-D will each be 1 value):
z= Ureduce' * Xm'
1x4 Array{Float64,2}:
2.78949 -1.76853 -13.2384 12.2174
Go back the other way; the original values but all lying on the same (optimal) line
julia> (Ureduce .* z .+ y)'
4x3 Array{Float64,2}:
5.90362 3.88002 11.0871 6 4 11
7.69511 5.30157 15.0298 versus 8 5 15
12.2032 8.87875 24.9514 12 9 25
2.19806 0.939664 2.93176 2 1 3