Fastest algorithm to detect if there is negative cycle in a graph

SoftTimur picture SoftTimur · Jun 3, 2013 · Viewed 7k times · Source

I use a matrix d to present a graph. d.(i).(j) means the distance between i and j; v denotes the number of nodes in the graph.

It is possible that there is negative cycle in this graph.

I would like to check if a negative cycle exists. I have written something as follows from a variation of Floyd-Warshall:

let dr = Matrix.copy d in

(* part 1 *)
for i = 0 to v - 1 do
  dr.(i).(i) <- 0

(* part 2 *)
  for k = 0 to v - 1 do
    for i = 0 to v - 1 do
      for j = 0 to v - 1 do
          let improvement = dr.(i).(k) + dr.(k).(j) in  
          if improvement < dr.(i).(j) then (
          if (i <> j) then
            dr.(i).(j) <- improvement
          else if improvement < 0 then
            raise BreakLoop )
  BreakLoop -> true

My questions are

  1. Is the code above correct?
  2. Is the part 1 useful?

Because I call this function very often, I really want to make it as fast as possible. So my 3) question is if other algorithms (especially Bellman-Ford) can be quicker than that?


KonaeAkira picture KonaeAkira · May 1, 2020

Although the options listed in Timothy Shield's answer are all correct algorithms for finding a negative cycle in a directed weighted graph, they are not the fastest.

My go-to algorithm in this case is always the Shortest Path Faster Algorithm.

Although it has a worst-case time complexity of O(|V|*|E|), which is the same as Bellman-Ford, there are very few graphs for which the SPFA actually reaches that time. In practice, it is much faster, even reaching an (unproven) average time of O(|E|).

I have written an article in my blog explaining the details of using the SPFA to find negative cycles.

If you don't want to read the full article, the pseudocode you need is below.

function SPFA(G):
    for v in V(G):
        len[v] = 0
        dis[v] = 0
    while !Queue.is_empty():
        u = Queue.pop()
        for (u, v) in E(G):
            if dis[u] + w(u, v) < dis[v]:
                len[v] = len[u] + 1
                if len[v] == n:
                    return "negative cycle detected"
                dis[v] = dis[i] + w(u, v)
                if !Queue.contains(v):
    return "no negative cycle detected"