Shortest distance between points algorithm

geord picture geord · Oct 21, 2009 · Viewed 32.7k times · Source

Given a set of points on a plane, find the shortest line segment formed by any two of these points.

How can I do that? The trivial way is obviously to calculate each distance, but I need another algorithm to compare.


Wayne Sheppard picture Wayne Sheppard · Oct 21, 2009

The problem can be solved in O(n log n) time using the recursive divide and conquer approach, e.g., as follows:

  • Sort points along the x-coordinate
  • Split the set of points into two equal-sized subsets by a vertical line x = xmid
  • Solve the problem recursively in the left and right subsets. This will give the left-side and right-side minimal distances dLmin and dRmin respectively.
  • Find the minimal distance dLRmin among the pair of points in which one point lies on the left of the dividing vertical and the second point lies to the right.
  • The final answer is the minimum among dLmin, dRmin, and dLRmin.