What is the minimum number of circles with radius r needed to cover all n points? r and n will be given as input, followed by n pairs of integers representing the x-y co-ordinates of the n points. r is a real number and greater than 0. n is < 20.
A circle covers a point if the point lies inside the circle. A point lies inside a circle if the distance between the point and the center of the circle is less than or equal to r.
This is not the best solution probably but and attempt to optimize it.
Algorithm is based on random sampling:
Here is code you can preview it live: http://jsfiddle.net/rpr8qq4t/ example result (13 circles per 30 points):
var RADIUS = 50;
var SAMPLE_COUNT = 400;
Some optimizations may be added to it (for example some circles can be excluded from the list too early)
Edit 2 (final algorithm)
Here is the version that brings best results for me, you can check it here http://jsfiddle.net/nwvao72r/4/ on average 12 circles per 30 points here.