I tried naive bayes classifier and it's working very bad. SVM works a little better but still horrible. Most of the papers which i read about SVM and naive bayes with some variations(n-gram, POS etc) but all of them gives results close to 50% (authors of articles talk about 80% and high but i cannt to get same accurate on real data).
Is there any more powerfull methods except lexixal analys? SVM and Bayes suppose that words independet. These approach called "bag of words". What if we suppose that words are associated?
For example: Use apriory algorithm to detect that if sentences contains "bad and horrible" then 70% probality that sentence is negative. Also we can use distance between words and so on.
Is it good idea or i'm inventing bicycle?
You're confusing a couple of concepts here. Neither Naive Bayes nor SVMs are tied to the bag of words approach. Neither SVMs nor the BOW approach have an independence assumption between terms.
Here's some things you can try: